September 19, 2024

Former Everton chief executive Keith Wyness believes that the club’s potential is as “big as ever” and expects more prospective takeover bids to arise in the coming weeks.

Since 777 Partners’ share purchase agreement with Farhad Moshiri expired on May 31, several potential investors have expressed their interest, with Wyness expecting that to continue in the coming weeks.

Speaking to the Liverpool Echo, Wyness said that even with the club’s significant debts, the Toffees still represent a hugely investable asset, with their new stadium on Bramley-Moore Dock a big factor.

He said: “We’ve seen a lot of (American) owners often buy up land around the stadium they’ve got and multiply their investment that way.

“Everton is actually a more attractive proposition than it’s often been made out to be. I think the club is worth much more than the debts at the moment and the potential going forward is as big as ever.

“My hunch at the moment is that a new group will appear from the names we’re hearing.

New Everton takeover bids to emerges
Wyness is spot-on with his view that the club’s new stadium makes Everton a vastly more attractive asset to spend hundreds of millions on, with the arena on track to open in 12 months.

Takeover talks between Moshiri and 777 Partners over the past nine months have cast doubt over every aspect of the club, potentially most of all the future of the stadium [Tariq Panja].

Questions over who would be funding its completion rose further when the Toffees reached out to financial advisor Teneo, in a bid to restructure the £760million in debt accumulated by its construction [The Independent].

It seems that only a clean break in the boardroom – with several potential new investors coming forward since May 31 – can provide Blues fans with the clarity they need regarding their new home.

Crystal Palace co-owner John Textor may have confirmed to Goodison News that he is not and wasn’t ever a front-runner to purchase the club, but with a whole host of other hugely monied names voicing their keenness to open discussions with Moshiri, expect the Everton Stadium to be a major talking point.

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